For the 37th time, the VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.) is inviting lightning protection experts from research and industry to a joint exchange. This year the exhibition will take place at the Bilderberg Hotel Dresden, Germany.
Join us and share your expertise! In cooperation with the VDE, we are happy to provide you with a discounted ticket. Use the code WEIDMÜLLERICLP2024 to save 10% when registering online.
The conference offers a varied programme with plenary sessions, technical sessions and poster sessions covering a wide range of topics related to lightning research and lightning protection.
Some of the key topics include:
The international lightning protection conference brings together experts, researchers and companies to discuss the latest developments and advances in lightning protection technology.
The Weidmüller specialists for lightning and surge protection are also looking forward to many technical discussions about technology and development.
We look forward to your participation at the ICLP 2024 in Dresden. Please contact us in advance of the conference to arrange an appointment at our stand.